Meridian Capital (London):
As Development Advisor & Development Supervisor to this London-based Investment bank from 2005 to 2011, Chasan Group has worked on the following projects:
International Gem Tower, (IGT) 47th Street, Manhattan:
As Development Supervisor, Chasan Group oversaw Meridian’s $350 million equity investment in this 750,000 SF office tower in Manhattan’s Diamond District from the beginning of assemblage of the site involving 11 Fee Simple and 14 air-rights properties acquisitions, through to start of the above-grade super-structure. Chasan Group was responsible for protecting the client’s investment and provided the work-out program when the economic crisis and downturn occurred in the U.S. Chasan Group was a primary participant in directing the strategy to bring the building to grade by securing additional capital, and re-designing the building to accept, and market to the Jewelry Industry the first new Commercial Condominium building in the Rockefeller District in 20 years. After proving the viability in the market place, Chasan Group obtained further capital to bring the building to the start of going vertical with the steel superstructure, and the building is scheduled for completion the 2Q of 2013.
Additionally, Chasan Group advised on all pre-development analyses and strategies on:
Chasan Group supervised the planned projects adjacent to the IGT building, with Feasibility and Investment analysis of Developer’s project strategies, Sources/Uses of required capital to complete assemblage, review of Developer’s financial status, review of all outstanding property acquisition loans and deposits and developing strategies for maintaining control, zoning analyses reviews and confirmations, establishing clear investment strategies for multiple development scenarios in each.
Total planned investment of client’s equity reached $450.0+ million on all projects.
Mitsui Fudosan USA:
Having assisted this owner as lead consultant in their acquisition due diligence analysis, culminating in the purchase of 1251 Avenue of the Americas in 1986, Mr. Chasan was retained to
act as the Owner’s Representative and Project Manager for the Ten-Year $100+ Million Capital Improvement Program. 2012 marked the twenty-sixth anniversary of this consulting relationship. During that time he was asked by ownership to act as Tenant Representative/Project manager for over 400,000 SF of Tenant fit-outs in the building.
Additionally, Mr. Chasan managed multiple property Capital Improvement Programs for Mitsui’s property in Washington, DC. And New Jersey and do Acquisition Analyses for multiple buildings in New York and California.
Max Capital:
Portfolio assessment and Capital Improvement Programs for their 8 million SF in 11 buildings in Manhattan. Development Management for all pre-development phases for the Newburgh
Computer data center.
One Times Square:
Managing the Capital Improvements Projects and Tenant work coordination in this well-known NY landmark while in foreclosure. Assisted the Note-holder in valuing the building for bid submission at auction.
Moore Capital:
Owner’s Representative/Project management for this Investment Banking firm’s 50,000 SF offices in New York and London.
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